
Rene Scotland-019Acoustic Guitars produce sound when the strings are strummed, picked or plucked. They do not require amplification and can be transported and used without extensive electrical setup. Acoustic guitars come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Identify the style of music that you want to learn and select a guitar that fits that style.

An “Acoustic Electric” is a good alternative to an acoustic. They have a built in pickup and can be played through an amp or sound board. Acoustic electrics can also be used with Mobile Device Interface Apps, to record your practice, create backing tracks and produce interesting sounds.

Many guitar players play both electric and acoustic guitar. Learning and writing new songs is often done using an acoustic. If you are starting your guitar playing journey, choose an acoustic guitar that fits the style that you want to play, that feels good and that sounds good.

Find and share Acoustic Guitar news and resources, before and after you choose you guitar.